
by 3timesW



This application has been developed for businesses serving as Hairdressers and Beauty salons to manage their customers appointments (*);After the workplace officials register for the application with their e-mails, there will be a few steps to follow.1- The information under the "Workplace Profile" button should be filled in correctly and saved. After this registration process, a review will be made on our side and after the correctness of the entered information and its compliance with the program, the registered workplace will be made "Activation Status: Active". (Since the web link of non-active workplaces will not work, their customers will not be able to make an appointment and make payments via this link.)(**)2- Under the "Workplace Management" button, records of information that are important for the management of the workplace and that will appear both in this application and on the page directed by the web link that the customers will use are created.2.a "Service providers" are entered here with the names or nicknames of the persons working in the workplace. Whether the service provider will use this application for this workplace, which days he will work and similar information are entered. Customers will come to the page on the web link with the information here.2.b "Services", information about the services provided in the workplace and which can be selected on the web page are entered here.After these processes, customer definitions can be made on the "Customers" page in the main menu. (When the production is started, the customer will be able to make the definitions here via the link.)It is also possible to enter the appointment for the customer, by the workplace itself. By clicking the icon on the right side of the customer page, he can create an appointment record for that customer.When an appointment is made, it goes to the first menu, and if the workplace confirms this appointment, it can do this from the main menu, "Approval/Reject Appointment" page. (***)* The screens where customers of the workplace log in and make an appointment and pay are NOT in the application. These transactions will be carried out via the link created specifically for each workplace via** During the open test, the payment side will not be operated due to the web link side. When the open test is over and the production is put into use, the web link will start to work actively.*** Information will be given to the customers and workplace managers via the web login and the approval processes of the workplace, additionally via SMS.Quick Training Video link: